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Running a Trades Business is Hard - The Lessons I’ve Learned

Fairway-Electrical-Hydrovac-Vacuum-Truck (1)

I could have never imagined how hard it would be to take over my family’s electrical business. When I stepped in, we were generating around $3.5 million in revenue, but we were far from profitable. The company was struggling—not because we weren’t getting jobs, but because of the chaos behind the scenes. The lack of process, transparency, and oversight were slowly sinking us, and it felt like I was constantly playing catch-up, trying to keep the business afloat. Every day was a new crisis, and it felt like no matter how hard we worked, we just couldn’t get ahead.

Running a trades business isn’t just about getting the work done—it’s about managing people, keeping everything organized, and making sure you actually get paid. I’ve been through it all, made countless mistakes, and fought uphill battles that, in hindsight, could have been avoided. Those hard lessons ultimately shaped the way we grew the business to over $20 million in revenue, but it took years of struggle to get there. Looking back, I wish I had known then what I know now: that so many of the headaches we faced were avoidable.

The Reality of Running a Trades Business

When I first took over, it became clear very quickly that the business was a mess. There was no clear way of doing things—no standard processes, no real communication, and certainly no transparency. Every day felt like firefighting: solving one problem only for two more to appear. We lacked oversight, which meant costly mistakes went unnoticed, and we were constantly bleeding money without understanding why.

The software we used was expensive and disconnected, forcing us to juggle data across multiple platforms with no real consistency. We were constantly updating spreadsheets, re-entering data, and chasing information that was often inaccurate or outdated by the time we got to it. Communication was disjointed, both within the company and with our clients. Teams in the field missed updates, jobs were delayed, and we often billed late—if we remembered to bill at all. There were times when I didn’t know if we’d make payroll, and the stress was overwhelming. The financial strain and endless frustration made running the business feel impossible.

Turning It Around: Finding Solutions That Worked

I knew that if we were going to turn things around, we needed a system that would connect everything—our people, our processes, and our finances. But that was easier said than done. It wasn’t just about finding better tools; it was about redefining how we operated as a business. We had to create a new way of working, one that was structured, consistent, and transparent.

We started by documenting every process, standardizing how we did everything from scheduling to invoicing. We put systems in place to track our work and hold people accountable, and slowly, we started to see improvements. But even with better internal processes, there was still a gap—there wasn’t a single software solution that could do everything we needed. We were still piecing things together, still losing time and money. That’s when I realized that the only way to truly fix our problems was to create a solution that addressed all of these pain points.

Lessons Learned: Don’t Waste Time Repeating Mistakes

The journey from $3.5 million to over $20 million was a hard one, filled with missteps, sleepless nights, and tough decisions. I’ve learned the hard way that running a trades business is about so much more than just getting the work done. It’s about having the right processes, the right systems, and the right tools to keep everything on track. Looking back, I see all the ways we could have saved time and resources if we just had the right tools from the start. That’s why I built Tradetraks—to solve the problems that nearly sank us and to help others avoid the same costly mistakes.

I’ve been where you are. I know what it’s like to feel overwhelmed, stressed, and unsure of the next step. But I also know that there’s a better way. Tradetraks was built from my own experiences, designed to help trades businesses run smoother, communicate better, and grow without the constant headaches. You don’t need to repeat the mistakes I made—you can skip straight to what works.

A Better Path Forward

Despite all the challenges, there’s nothing more rewarding than seeing a business turn around and thrive. I’ve seen firsthand how the right processes and tools can transform a struggling operation into a well-oiled machine. My journey wasn’t easy, but it led me to create something that can make a real difference for others. Running a trades business will always have its challenges, but with the right support, you can overcome them.

Don’t waste years and countless dollars figuring it out on your own. There’s a better way, and I’m proof that with the right approach, you can turn your business into something truly successful. Trust that I’ve been through it, and let my experience guide you to the success you deserve.
